After you have received an item you have 30 days to return it to us. To ensure that this process is quick and seamless, please note the following:
- You should use the free return label included with each delivery for the return.
- You must include a completed return form with your return.
Please note that purchases from the online shop cannot be returned or exchanged at a bricks-and-mortar shop (BIRKENSTOCK store or outlet), nor can complaints about purchases be lodged at these locations. Likewise, purchases from bricks-and-mortar shops cannot be returned to the online shop and complaints about such purchases cannot be lodged there.
Refund of purchase price
When we accept your return we will send you an email confirming the refund for your return. If you purchased the item on account, your payment will be reduced according to the specified refund amount. If you have already paid for the item, we will refund you the corresponding amount. We always transfer your refund to the account from which you made the payment, i.e., either your bank account, credit card account or PayPal account. If this is not possible in individual cases, for example for a credit card that is no longer valid, we will ask you for an account to which we can send the refund.