Once you have received an item, you can return it to us free of charge within 30 days. Simply follow these steps:Register your return here. |
Select the items which you would like to return and indicate a reason for your return.
Returning multiple packages
Generate your QR code or print the return label. |
Pack the items and preferably use the original packaging. |
Hand the package over to the carrier and track the status of your return by email. |
What happens next?
Your package will be delivered to our warehouse in Germany and will be reviewed there. If you have already paid for the item(s), we will refund the amount via the original payment method.Frequently asked questions (FAQ): Return
Are returns free of charge?
Returns are free with us. Please use our returns portal to register your return and download your returns label quickly and easily.
How much time do I have to return the items?
Once you have received your order, you have 30 days to return the items to us at BIRKENSTOCK.
How long does the refund normally take?
Based on experience, it may take up to fourteen days from the time the return is handed over to the shipping company for the refunded amount to be credited to your account.
In the case of PayPal payments, refunds may take up to five additional business days after authorization.
In the case of credit card payments, refunds may also take up to five additional business days after authorization.
In the case of PayPal payments, refunds may take up to five additional business days after authorization.
In the case of credit card payments, refunds may also take up to five additional business days after authorization.
How do I get a refund for the returned items?
As soon as we have received and processed your return, you will receive a confirmation via email. If you have already paid for the item(s), we will refund the amount via the original payment method.
Can I get an exchange?
We do not offer exchanges.
If you ordered the wrong size or would prefer a shoe in a different colour, simply order the desired item. Just return the item already delivered free of charge using the returns label provided.
If you are unsure of a size when ordering be sure to download our PDF sizing chart. Alternatively, purchase 2 sizes and return one of them utilising our free returns process.
If you ordered the wrong size or would prefer a shoe in a different colour, simply order the desired item. Just return the item already delivered free of charge using the returns label provided.
If you are unsure of a size when ordering be sure to download our PDF sizing chart. Alternatively, purchase 2 sizes and return one of them utilising our free returns process.
Can I return items that I have bought from the BIRKENSTOCK online shop at your physical retailer store, and vice versa?
If you would like to return a BIRENSTOCK product purchased in our online shop, please use our returns portal to register your return and to download the repaid return label quickly and easily.
I have purchased a BIRKENSTOCK product from another retailer (domestic or international; online or offline); can I return them to you?
We are sorry to say that we are unable to accept returns from other domestic or international retailers and do not have control over independent retailers or their Returns Policy. This applies for the other retailers’ online shops as well as physical retail stores. Please contact the retailer you purchased your items from and return your goods to them according to their returns policy.
Help & Contact
By email:
By phone: +45 (0) 78794737
(8am – 8pm Monday through Friday,
10am – 6pm Saturdays)
By phone: +45 (0) 78794737
(8am – 8pm Monday through Friday,
10am – 6pm Saturdays)