To initiate a return, please provide your order number and e-mail address in the fields below.
After inspecting your return, we will issue a credit for the merchandise (including any applicable sales tax) to the original payment method used. Any shipping charges from your order will not be refunded. Please allow 2-3 weeks for the processing of your refund.
Please Note:
- Our return window has been extended for the holidays. Orders placed from 11/1/24-12/31/24 will be eligible for return through 1/31/25.
All orders including Last Chance items can be returned within 30 days of delivery. Click here to read the full Return Policy.
All returns are subject to inspection. All packages, including original containers, must be unmarked and not defaced in any manner.
Returns can only be accepted for an order placed at If you purchased from an independent retailer or another online retailer, please return the product following their respective guidelines.
Items purchased on cannot be returned to an independent retailer or another online retailer.